
One Person Dead and One Injured in DC Metro Stabbing Incident

According to DC police, the man who was found fatally stabbed at the top of an escalator at the Congress Heights Station early Sunday has died. A second stab victim, who was found close to the underground station kiosk, was treated at a hospital and later released. Meantime, a third person that may have suffered a medical problem during the stabbing incidents also was taken to the hospital.

Police are trying to determine the motive behind the stabbings, which appear to have been related. It is possible that physical struggles took place in different spots at the station before the victims were left alone. DC police were called to the scene shortly before 3 am.

Washington DC Premises Liability

The owners of public and private properties are supposed to make sure that there is adequate security on a premise so that no one ends up becoming the victim of a robbery, sexual assault, or murder. Depending on the premise, property owners may want to make sure that there is:

• Adequate lighting
• Entrances and exits with locks, alarm systems, video cameras, or security guards
• Surveillance cameras

Even if the property owner had nothing to do with causing the actual crime, the failure to act to prevent such incidents from happening—especially if similar crimes were recently been committed on the premise or in the surrounding area—can be grounds for a Washington DC inadequate security lawsuit. You also may be able to sue the assailant for Washington DC personal injury.

1 killed, 1 wounded in stabbing; men are found at D.C. Metro station, The Washington Post, May 31, 2010
Inadequate Security, Justia

Lebowitz & Mzhen represents Maryland and Washington DC premises liability clients seeking to obtain personal injury and wrongful death recovery from all negligent parties.

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