
Landlord Liability in Washington, D.C. Rental Home and Apartment Accidents

As more and more Washington, D.C. residents live in apartments, issues of landlord liability for injuries suffered on the property is of increasing importance. All residents expect to be safe when they are at home and may not worry as much about accidents in their living spaces as they do out in public. But a recent report out of New York City highlights that accidents can truly happen anywhere—including in individuals’ apartments—and how injured plaintiffs can recover against their landlords in some cases.

According to a major news source covering the New York incident, a landlord in the East Village decided to save some money and install a faulty gas system, rather than spending more money to ensure the system was safe. In 2015, the gas line caused an explosion on the landlord’s property, resulting in the tragic death of two men. In addition, the blast destroyed two buildings and injured over 12 other people.

Instances like the tragic story above are fortunately rare, but injuries caused by landlords’ negligence are not. While typically on a smaller scale than the large gas explosion, Washington, D.C. residents may be injured in or around their apartments from a variety of things, such as tripping over built-up garbage and litter on the walkways or stepping through a faulty stair. What many D.C. residents might not realize is that their landlord may be held liable for their injuries in these cases.

Landlords owe a duty of care to their residents, and D.C. law requires them to provide apartments that are safe, habitable, and livable. This means they must make all necessary repairs, clear walkways of dirt, litter, and other obstructions, ensure that there are no holes or cracks in sidewalks or foundations, and make sure that the walls and roofs of apartments are waterproof and sturdy. If landlords fail to live up to this duty of care and a resident is injured as a result, the injured party can file suit against them in court to recover monetary damages. These damages may include past and future medical expenses and lost wages, ensuring that plaintiffs do not go bankrupt when injured as a result of their landlords’ negligence.

Have You Been Injured in a Washington, D.C. Accident?

If you, or someone you know, has recently been injured in any sort of Washington, D.C. slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the responsible party. Contact the law firm Lebowitz & Mzhen, Personal Injury Lawyers today to discuss your claim. Our dedicated legal team represents plaintiffs in a wide variety of personal injury claims, including slip and falls, claims of medical malpractice, motor vehicle accidents, product liability claims and wrongful death cases. With decades of experience and a deep understanding of how the Washington, D.C. legal system works, you can trust that your case is in good hands with our attorneys. To learn more, call us today at 800-654-1949 to schedule a consultation. Calling is risk-free, as we will not bill you for our services unless we can assist you in receiving compensation.

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